Atif gets candid
Atif Aslam insists that he made the commercial Doorie so he
would have a wider audience for Hungami Haalat, the upcoming album
that is closer to his heart
By Faiza
Aslam is a mega star and no one knows this better than the crooner
himself. He descends Brando style from his heavy bike to meet for
this interview. While I couldn't take my eyes off his tan suede boots
lined with fur, Atif took off his gear in slo-mo, savoring the buzz
his arrival was causing.
Riding high on the success of Doorie, Atif is still upset as to how
his Doorie effort has been inviting brickbats from music critics in
Pakistan. Even though Pakistanis love all things Bollywood, our alternative
music scene is a different ball game altogether. Atif Aslam, for his
Pakistani music fans will always be the definitive voice that made
'Aadat', 'Woh Lamhay' (as he sang it on Jalpari) and 'Mahi Vey' songs
an entire generation continues to sing. To his legions of Pakistani
fans, Doorie remains a wishy-washy Bollywood juke box churn (which
we will dance to, nonetheless).
Doorie is not what die hard Jalpari fans expected from Atif. While
his powerful vocals make the album a chart topper on both sides of
the border, his cult following here at home feel betrayed by Atif's
switchover from his classic raw sound to club remixes. Then there
are the terrible videos directed in India which have done nothing
to aesthetically project Atif's potential. He is our soft rock wonderboy
and the Indians have reinvented him as a chocolate hero. Give us the
edgy Atif any day!
Atif insists that Doorie isn't exactly targeted for his fans who know
him even before Jalpari but is rather the launch of Atif on an international
(read Indian) level. Released worldwide by a telecom conglomerate,
Atif has made a conscious effort to establish himself as a singing
sensation for a wider audience. But why not be true to his original
"I started off when I was 17 and I never thought I would be this
big," Atif confesses. "When Jalpari came out, its raw sound
was revolutionary. When I was in India, I received a fantabulous response
performing in cities like Pune, Mumbai etc which was a great experience.
They (the Indians) respect talent but they cannot understand what
I had been doing here. Even here, only a select audience actually
understands what I am singing, not the masses. Touring internationally
made me think that I should take my music global by releasing it worldwide.
I collaborated with a lot of people and thought up a plan for a commercial
album, which is not my type of music; which is not ATIF. I just wanted
to explore that side of the music. When I composed and wrote these
songs for Doorie, I kept in mind that this album has to be commercial,"
he explains with the ease of an artist genuinely hungry for a wider
audience. Atif strived for mass appeal and recognition and via Doorie,
that is exactly what he got. |
is a commercial hit in the UK, Canada, and USA; it's everywhere now.
So the first Pakistani artiste is basically out there in the world.
Not just in India," he says.
And then abruptly he remarks, "I knew that people were going
to criticize me like anything. There was this journalist, who wrote
a critical review about my album Doorie. That what is this album and
why is it like this? I felt glad about that, because she was so concerned
about my album. She criticized it completely and the next week Channel
V declared Doorie the best album in India. I want to tell my critics
that I'm doing it my way," he insists. Atif is averse to criticism,
because to him, the success of his plan to make it big is perhaps
bigger than his music integrity. In that, he speaks more like a manager
than a musician.
has brought along an international change and Aadat was limited to
Pakistan and to a small circle of people at that. After Doorie, I
am getting offers from places like South Africa. No Pakistani artiste
has ever been called to South Africa."
However, Atif with all his stardom, could not gain complete control
over his album or the way he was projected and he admits this readily.
"When the album Doorie was released I was consulted on all the
inlays, on what picture should be there, the designs etc. The write
up however wasn't to my temperament at all. And if you see the heart-shaped
logo with the caption 'In this lifetime or the next' that was so cheap!
I wanted the logo be removed, but it wasn't. Even in the video, there
was a girl and you can put her in a sensuous way but at the end of
the day you can't tell the director what his job is!" Atif's
volcano rumbles, but he is still proud that he played the game and
got what he wanted out of it.
The director Kuki Gulati may have extremely poor taste, so ditch him!
Why go along, make C-Grade music videos, hug the girls, or did the
editor morph those scenes? "Yes, I was hugging the girls,"
Atif admits. "I think that was a requirement because the Indian
audience can never accept my 'stupid' 'Mahi Vey' video or my 'stupid'
'Rangoun Mein' video. They have a different concept about a pop or
a rock icon. He has to be a heart throb. Girls here can't sit on motor
bikes, in India girls ride them. It's a different culture altogether.
They (my Indian videos) are for an international audience. However
you can see the weird expression I had in the last scene of the song
'Doorie' when I'm hugging the girl.
People have said that it looked like I had played an Inzamam innings
and was run out." Atif laughs, then sighs softly, "Personally
speaking I don't want to associate myself with any of the people out
there. But eventually if I don't put in a girl in my videos, people
would think something's wrong with me."
This hasn't been the first time that Atif has been singed by the Indian
entertainment industry. Atif's credits were chopped off the soundtrack
of the movie Zeher for the song 'Woh Lamhe', and the movie's music
director and lyricist went on to bag an award for the song. "Eventually
I had to pay the price," Atif admits. But has he learnt a lesson?
Judging from his recent Doorie, it seems not. India is too viable
a market. "I personally think that is the market. Honestly speaking
there was a slump here- that there was no label here; and that was
intentionally done. My move was to release Doorie internationally,
so that I could tell people that this is the first album that has
been released all over the world. All the artists who are going to
India will definitely boost other artists. I have referred a few Pakistani
singers myself. The Indians don't have the melodies or original music
coming out. There was a time when R.D. Burman had such good melodies,
lyrics and arrangements, that's not happening now. Everything is run
of the mill as they have to produce and produce that there is no original
music anymore. That is why they are more interested in the original
music coming from the Pakistani side- from Pakistani boys who are
picking up their guitars."
Atif adds, "Indians don't have a market for pop songs. They don't
have any band. Bollywood markets so much for one movie that there
is no space for any other type of music. But after my album became
a best seller, a lot of people especially companies are interested
in releasing new talent." Atif's eyes beam with delight. He has
successfully marketed himself as a pop idol in India, when even Indian
idols have burnt out shortly after their debut on the touted show.
When speaking of companies, could corporate sponsorship be far behind?
Do we really need paan masalas to promote and brand music? He shrugs
and replies, "In Pakistan, corporate sponsorship is really important,
because the artiste cannot sell his album on his own. You need to
be on the billboards, unless and until you product is very very big!
Nowadays people believe that a song should have a good video; the
guy should have a good presentation. You have to be on the boards
to let people know that the album is out! You have to be on screen
If that is the case then why was Doorie out without so much as a whimper?
With a mischievous smile, Atif confides, "Whenever there is a
controversy there is hype and I love controversies. People will ask
what the hell is happening; what is he doing? Why did he do this in
this video and that video?" Atif begins to swing to the next
extreme, "Other than that, like I said that this wasn't my kind
of music so I wasn't interested in giving interviews or coming on
TV for it. Now my second album basically is an ATIF style album and
I am planning to release it. For that I will be giving interviews
and press conferences. Because for that album, people themselves would
create the hype. I want to do interviews for that album not for this.
The Pakistani nation is such that which ever side you push them they
go. If they see a song on B4U, they will say kia baat hai yaar! Eventually
this is what has been happening, I have been their artist-of-the-month
on Channel V, B4U, MTV and it was a record that when I went to India,
I did 16 interviews for TV channels."
But then why is Atif reclusive whenever it came to interviews of any
sort especially in Pakistan. "Everywhere in the world, the artists
get royalties for their videos. Here the channels ask the artist to
come and do their show - a show which is branded. The channels are
paid, who tell the corporations that they will provide the artist
and pay the artist who actually doesn't get a paisa. I'm strictly
against this. I'm not doing TV shows. If my fans want to know why
this is so, then they should know that there should be at least one
to say that unless and until the artist is paid, we wont do your bidding.
We are not just entertainers."
Atif has more on his chest and he warms up to let it off. "A
lot of changes are needed in Pakistan. There should be a Copyright
Act that is actually implemented. And then people here need to open
up their minds. There is so much criticism that it's unbelievable.
If someone is doing a good job, let him be."
Switching gears, we turned towards to his new ventures. If Atif oscillates
from disinterest to pride on Doorie then he is definitely passionate
and focused about Hungami Haalat, his next album- the Atif style album.
"It's entirely different from Doorie. It has no commercial aspect.
It's just Atif, and I have sung my heart out. In Doorie I couldn't
be myself, except for certain minute areas like the song 'Kuch Iss
Tarha' which is very close to my heart. With regard to the new album,
I know how much hard work has gone into it, how much I've learnt and
only I know how I wrote and composed the songs."
Atif sums up his strategy again, "I will be doing more commercial
music because my aim is that people be excited about my commercial
side and then also lend an ear to my style of music too. I want an
audience to my voice and then mould them to my style of music. And
then let them know that listen this is me- and introduce my music
all over the world."
Atif vrooms off with his words ringing in my ears. He wants the world
and India is his platform to get there. He may have sold himself short
and stooped to Bollywood standards doing videos that have even made
him cringe, but then again, he is hellbent on not being a flash in
the pan alternative artist. He wants to sing his heart out, but he
won't settle for anything else than the world listening to him. |