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Hotstepper of the Week
Ali Noor

Back in 2000, Ali Noor rejuvenated rock music with his fiery band Noori and paved path for others to follow. And now, he is reinventing himself. Noori may not be out with a new single but Ali Noor is definitely back in the spotlight with his new show, Music Mastermind. A music enthusiast himself, Ali Noor is doing a fine job with the show that has just hit airwaves. He is articulate in explaining the rules, encouraging to contestants who are falling behind and cheers on all the youngsters.

It is no livewire Noori concert. This is Ali Noor as himself and what comes across is a level of decency that reflects Noor's maturity over the years. Most importantly, it is Ali Noor once again connecting with the youth of Pakistan...the way he has always preferred it. So until Noori is back with a third album, one can catch Ali playing game show host and that is just a whole lot of fun! He sure has hot-stepped his way back into the spotlight!