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your style
Worst of 2010


WHO Lady Gaga

WHAT The Meat Dress


We always look back on a year gone by and thinking of the best that it had to offer and what we can expect from the new year. That all seems very good and jolly, all roses and butterflies but sometimes you can not escape the horror and your optimism comes crashing down. These are the worst dresses of the year by the stars of Hollywood that pay large sums of money to stylists and makeup artists to make them look better than anyone else. We have these horrendous images burnt on to our memory for life. Designer dresses and beautiful people too can end up looking worse for wear. Take Lady Gaga, for example, a cult figure with an incredible number of fans. She uses her music and fashion as an extension of creativity which includes The House of Gaga. Remember the lobster head dress or the claw shoes? No doubt, Gaga always keeps people talking, for better or worse. This year she wore a dress as well as accessories made entirely out of raw meat. She had PETA up in arms over this dress decision. A heroic message or a publicity stunt? It’s Gaga so we’re never sure. We take a, hopefully, last look at stars and their fashion faux pas.


Cate Blanchett took what looks like her grandma’s quilt and threw this crochet catastrophe on for a red carpet event.

Megan Fox is surely a pretty girl but when she’s not undressing for men’s magazines she find this combo a good idea.

Ke$ha wore this to the MTV European music awards as if that would make it ok. She looks like a 1980s pro-wrestler, never a good.

Diane Kruger wore this horrible purple ruffled fiasco of a prom dress to the Golden Globes.

Send Instep your pictures if you think you have a quirky sense of style and be part of Flash! 
