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Bollywood calling
Something's got to give

Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's relationship makes more news than their films. But will Bollywood's 'it' girl Bebo put up with the possessive Chote Nawab for long?

By Shahrezad Samiuddin

These days Saif Ali Khan has been jet setting around the world, trailing Bollywood queen Kareena like a lovesick puppy. That cannot be a healthy sign for any relationship, let alone a high profile one. Last we heard, Saif had followed Kareena to Shahrukh Khan's Temptation Reloaded show in Amsterdam. Earlier he had flown to Bangkok for her performance at the IIFA awards, where he also found the time to have the infamous clash with her allegedly over her skimpy dress and then disappeared during her performance. As if that was not enough, he also rather scandalously had a behind-locked-doors-canoodle in the ladies restroom in a restaurant back home. And lest we forget, he has bought her a Beemer and promised her solitaire earrings. Phew.

Every few years this father of two morphs into a love struck teenager and a familiar pattern repeats itself. With ex-wife Amrita he defied his parents, who thought she was much too old for him, and eloped. Post-shaadi Amrita resurfaced in her new
avatar as the perfect biwi and maa. From being a top female lead in Hindi cinema, the woman, suitably tamed, gave up her promising career to settle into domestic bliss. Bliss that was perhaps more Saif's than hers.
Speaking about Amrita in an interview with Karan Johar on Koffee with Karan, the now divorced Saif admitted he 'was extremely well taken care of. Now I must do things like running a home, which is something I have never done.' That should give Kareena a clue to what the man wants in a woman: someone who will pamper him and build her life around him.

Indeed, his next quarry fit the job description to a 't.' Enter Rosa Catalano: gorgeous, Italian and as far removed from Bollywood as it gets. In the beginning, said Rosa "I was just happy to be there for him, I never bothered about myself." Sounds like something Amrita would have said during her bliss, doesn't it? Not only was Rosa the furthest thing from Bollywood, she was also gullible. In a recent interview she revealed that when she and Saif got together she did not know that he was married, let alone that he had two children. Ouch!
At the height of the Saif-Rosa romance, he gave a statement that on hindsight gives away more that it was intended to. He summed up Rosa's appeal when he said "Unlike Amrita, Rosa is not from the film industry. Sure, I liked being put in touch with the industry's bigwigs by Amrita, having dinner with Karan Johar. But in hindsight, I'd have been better off finding my way through the industry. There's a theory that whatever I am today is because Amrita took me by my finger and led me through it all. It's probably true. She has played a big hand in my growth as an actor and human being. But it's a blessing to be with a woman who has nothing to do with movies. Even Shah Rukh's wife Gauri keeps out of his career. I'd like to keep it that way."

For a while, rather conveniently for Bollywood's most famous onscreen metrosexual, it stayed that way. Till of course Rosa got a life. Rumour has it that when gorgeous Rosa began to spread her wings and Bollywood began to notice this exotic beauty she was royally and promptly dumped by the Chhote Nawab.

Where Amrita had got a rather unroyal runaround for alimony and eventually had to start work, Rosa was left in the lurch. "I feel bad when people talk about things like Saif has gifted me an apartment in Mumbai. After I broke up with him, he has done nothing for me at all. I am not even on talking terms with him after my break-up. Today, from my phone bills to my rent, I pay everything on my own,' clarified Rosa.
The pattern should be clear even to a bat. Saif Ali Khan sweeps you off your stilettos in true Nawabi style. Then he smothers you with attention till you don't have a choice but to succumb. Next he expects you to be completely dependant on him. And god forbid, if you try to spread your feathers, exes Amrita and Rosa would tell you, that you'll be dumped like an unsexy ubla hua aloo and bear the wrath of a very stingy ex-beau.

Recent reports of problems in the Bebo-Saif relationship have all centered on his obsession with Kareena and his inability to leave her alone. He doesn't like her talking to Salman Khan. He calls her ALL the time. He doesn't like her dressing skimpy (it's her job, Saif).

Is the pattern going to repeat itself? It has already started. Saif is desperately attracted to a very public figure, and cannot reconcile his desire to curb and confine her to himself. The man is not all wrong. In the real world it is difficult to manage two successful careers within the bounds of a long-term relationship. It can be done (think John-Bipasha). But when Saif Ali Khan forms one half of
the relationship, experience tells us that something has to give. In Amrita'a case, it was her flourishing career. In Rosa's case it was the relationship. Wonder what it will be with Kareena.