SELECT jn_posts.title AS title, 'paper_category_news', jn_posts.slug AS slug, jn_posts.post_datetime AS post_datetime, jn_posts.created_on AS created_on, t.category_id AS category_id, t.post_id AS post_id, jn_images.image_name AS image_name, jn_posts.post_type AS post_type, AS author_id, jn_authers.full_name AS author_name, jn_authers.slug AS author_slug, jn_authers.upload_image AS author_image, AS print_post_id, jn_paper.publish_status AS print_post_status, jn_paper.edition_id AS edition_id, CASE WHEN t1.post_id!='' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS show_video_icon
FROM ((SELECT category_id, post_id
FROM `jn_post_category_relation`
WHERE `category_id` = '16'
ORDER BY `post_id` DESC
LIMIT 500) as t)
JOIN `jn_posts` ON `jn_posts`.`id` = `t`.`post_id`
JOIN `jn_paper` ON `jn_paper`.`post_id` = `jn_posts`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `jn_post_images` ON `jn_post_images`.`post_id` = `jn_posts`.`id` and `is_featured`=1
LEFT JOIN `jn_images` ON `jn_images`.`id` = `jn_post_images`.`image_id`
LEFT JOIN `jn_authers` ON `jn_authers`.`id` = `jn_posts`.`author_id`
LEFT JOIN `jn_post_meta` as `t1` ON `t1`.`post_id` = `jn_posts`.`id` AND `t1`.`meta_key`='show_video_icon'
WHERE `jn_posts`.`publish_status` = 1
AND `jn_paper`.`edition_id` = 1
AND jn_posts.post_datetime BETWEEN "2024-09-11 00:00:00" and "2024-09-11 23:59:59"
ORDER BY `jn_posts`.`id` ASC
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