Are nuts the missing ingredient in your weight loss journey?

Research examines nut’s impact on weight loss and blood sugar in calorie-restricted diets

Are nuts the missing ingredient in your weight loss journey?
Are nuts the missing ingredient in your weight loss journey?

Energy-restricted (ER) diets are commonly recommended for weight loss and better glycemic control.

In a recent review published in Nutrition Research Reviews, researchers examined the effects of energy-restricted diets with and without nuts on weight, body composition, and glycemic management.

Nuts, despite being high in energy, are nutrient-dense and can meet essential dietary needs.

However, their role in weight-loss programs is debated.

Researchers analyzed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from databases like Medline, Scopus, and Embase.

The trials included overweight or obese individuals on calorie-restricted diets with or without nuts.

The studies measured body mass, body composition, and blood glucose levels.

Out of 859 publications, seven trials involving 676 individuals aged 18 to 79 met the inclusion criteria.

These trials, conducted in North America, Brazil, and Iran, included interventions lasting 28 days to 52 weeks with participants consuming 42 to 84 grams of nuts daily.

Weight loss was observed in four out of seven trials when nuts were added to calorie-restricted diets.

The weight loss ranged from -22.6 to -19.5 kg over the study period, or about -0.1 to -0.2 kg per week.

Moreover, nuts provided essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which can improve fat oxidation, slow stomach emptying, and reduce postprandial glucose levels.

The review found limited but positive evidence supporting the benefits of nuts in weight loss and glycemic management when included in calorie-restricted diets.

However, future research should explore the impact of different nut types, amounts, and varying energy levels on diverse populations.