Israel responds to Hezbollah Golan Heights attack with strike

12 children and young adults were killed in a rocket attack on a football field in Golan Heights

Israel responds to Hezbollah Golan Heights attack with strike
Israel responds to Hezbollah Golan Heights attack with strike

Israeli forces hit back Hezbollah targets in Lebanon over Saturday’s rocket attack on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

According to Sky News, the Israeli military said on Sunday, July 28, “Overnight, the IAF (Israeli Air Force) struck a series of Hezbollah terror targets both deep inside Lebanese territory and in southern Lebanon, including weapons caches and terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Chabriha, Borj El Chmali, and Beqaa, Kfarkela, Rab El Thalathine, Khiam, and Tayr Harfa.”

This strike came hours after Israel blamed Hezbollah for the July 27 attack on soccer ground that claimed 12 lives, including children and young adults. After the rocket attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjeman Netanyahu warned that Lebanon's militant group Hezbollah ‘will pay a heavy price’ for the attack.

However, Hezbollah has strongly denied any involvement in the rocket attack.

Additionally, UN special coordinator for Lebanon Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and UNIFIL head of mission and force commander Lt. Gen. Aroldo Lazaro expressed deep grief over the deaths of young children in Majdal Shams in a joint statement on Saturday.

The statement read, “We urge the parties to exercise maximum restraint and to put a stop to the ongoing intensified exchanges of fire. It could ignite a wider conflagration that would engulf the entire region in a catastrophe beyond belief.”