Love cheese but struggling with weight? Try THESE smart choices to lose pounds

Doctors advises choosing cheeses with a high protein-to-fat ratio for effective weight loss

Love cheese but struggling with weight? Try THESE smart choices to lose pounds
Love cheese but struggling with weight? Try THESE smart choices to lose pounds

Are you fond of cheese and also struggling with weight gain? Don’t worry, as you can still loss your weight without giving up cheese.

Janine Bowring, ND, a naturopathic doctor and content creator, advises choosing cheeses with a high protein-to-fat ratio for effective weight loss.

These cheeses have more protein and less saturated fat, which can help you feel full and support your weight loss goals.

With so many cheese options available, Bowring has recommended some of the best choices for health and weight management.

Mozzarella cheese:

Love cheese but struggling with weight? Try THESE smart choices to lose pounds

Mozzarella cheese, often found on pizzas and in mozzarella sticks, is actually a great choice for weight loss. It has under 80 calories per ounce and a favorable protein-to-fat ratio, making it a good option for those looking to lose weight.

Cottage cheese:

Love cheese but struggling with weight? Try THESE smart choices to lose pounds

Cottage cheese is another excellent option. A one-cup serving contains about 185 calories, five grams of fat, and 23 grams of protein, providing a high protein-to-fat ratio.

Goat cheese:

Love cheese but struggling with weight? Try THESE smart choices to lose pounds

Studies suggest that goat cheese may promote feelings of fullness and reduce cravings. A 2017 study in the journal Nutrients found that goat cheese had a greater effect on appetite-related hormones and decreased hunger more effectively than cow-based dairy products.

Ricotta cheese:

Love cheese but struggling with weight? Try THESE smart choices to lose pounds

Ricotta cheese is also a good dietary choice due to its high protein content and fewer than 50 calories per ounce. Its low fat and creamy texture make ricotta a helpful alternative for weight management.