Experts have warned that holding pee for a longer time can cause serious health risks.
According to CNN, experts have cautioned that holding urine generally could be harmless, but in some cases, it can cause serious health threats, especially when it is a regular practice.
He explained, “There’s a complex neurological system that controls urination. Your kidneys make urine, and then (it’s) funnelled down two tubes called ureters to the bladder. I’d say normal bladder capacity is about 400 to 600 (cubic centimetres).”
Kim said that when the bladder is about half full, it sends a message to the brain that it is time to pee, and the brain tells the bladder to hold it until it’s time to go to the bathroom.
Another urologist, Dr. David Shusterman, asserted, “Urine has concentrated toxins in it, which is why your body is trying to get rid of it, and so what ends up happening is you want to hold the toxins in because they have a smell to them, and you want to be able to excrete the toxins in a time where you’re more protected.”
Furthermore, experts revealed that holding pee increases the risk of urinary tract infection, or UTI, kidney infection, and if the infection is left untreated, it could lead to urosepsis.