Walking vs squats: Study unveils best exercise for blood sugar regulation

A recent study examined whether walking or squatting is more effective for blood sugar control

Walking vs squats: Study unveils best exercise for blood sugar regulation
Walking vs squats: Study unveils best exercise for blood sugar regulation

Exercise helps control blood sugar levels and encourages people to be more active.

Walking and squatting are very common exercises in our society and a recent study was conducted by researchers to determine which of the two is more effective in controlling blood sugar.

In the study, published in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports researchers divided participants into four groups to compare the effects of different activities.

One group took a single 30-minute walk, another sat continuously for 8.5 hours, a third group walked for 3 minutes every 45 minutes and last group did 10 squats every 45 minutes.

The researchers found that both the walk and squat groups had 21% lower blood sugar spikes than the SIT group, which sat without moving for 8.5 hours.

Additionally, the walk and squat groups showed almost twice the glucose-lowering benefit compared to the one group which only took a single 30-minute walk.

The study show that doing 10 squats every 45 minutes can help control blood sugar and lower the risk of diabetes and other health issues.

While, walking is also beneficial, squats seem to be more effective for managing blood sugar levels.

The study also suggests that doing short, frequent movements is more effective for controlling blood sugar than just one long walk.