Ahsan Khan's new show, Time Out With Ahsan Khan, recently welcomed Humayun Saeed and Fahad Mustafa as guests.
In the interview that lasted for an hour, the host asked a set of interesting questions from his guests, one of which was about the actors' martial life.
Wanting to know how Humayun and Fahad's marriages helped them in building their careers, Ahsan asked if marrying at an early age is a wise decision.
To Ahsan Khan's question, Humayun Saeed replied:
“A person learns how to act properly after getting married. I haven’t done any courses of acting, I have worked with experience. On a serious note, I think being a married actor helped me a lot because you get serious about your work. You do your work with responsibility.”
Fahad Mustafa on the other hand quipped:
“When I was getting married I was working with Humayun on a project, I told Humayun that I’m getting married. He just gave me a strange look and didn’t reply, but I think it helped me too”, said Fahad Mustafa.
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