Kangana Ranaut recently took to Instagram to share her views on reports of Brahmastra's box office figures being manipulated. She regarded it as 'a new low' in the Hindi film industry.
Kangana posted an Instagram story on Sunday to react to a tweet of filmmaker-writer Eray Mridula Cather calling out Brahmastra's manipulated figures.
He wrote, "So, few trade analysts are not giving #Brahmastra BO figures, as they’re completely manipulated. The ones who’re going gaga with fake BO figures are heftily paid. This manipulation is possibly India’s biggest so far, over 60-70percent fake figures. It’s not just ego, it’s coke-ego!”
Kangana responded to the tweet by writing on her Instagram story, "Wow, that's a new low… 70 percent."
This came after Kangana reacted to some bad reviews of the film, and called out director Ayan Mukerjee for wasting that huge of a budget.