Amitabh Bachchan's office floods amid Tauktae Cyclone

By Web Desk | May 18, 2021
Amitabh Bachchan's office floods amid Tauktae Cyclone
Amitabh Bachchan's office floods in Tauktae Cyclone

Amitabh Bachchan's office, Janak, was flooded Monday night when cyclone Tauktae hit the shores of Mumbai.

The 78-year-old actor shared the news on his blog while praising his staff for endless support.

"There is an eerie silence in the midst of the Cyclone .. the pounding and the lashing rains all day .. trees fell, leakages all over , flooding in the vulnerable Janak Office .. impromptu plastic cover sheets still in prep for the heavy Monsoon rain , ripped apart .. sheds and shelters for some staff blown away ..BUT the spirit of fight impregnable .. all hands on deck .. stepping out , repairing , preventing helping in extenuating circumstances drenched .. but on it."

Amitabh revealed that he offered staff his collection of Abhishek Bachchan's Pink Panther T-shirts after they helped repair the damages.

He added, "Staff simply amazing in such conditions .. their uniforms wet and dripping but they continue .. gave them dress changes urgently in this strife , from my own wardrobe and now they proudly move about as Chelsea and Jaipur Pink Panther supporters .. !!! in their team shirts and T’s .. some afloat in them and some squeezing their shape into them ..and amidst all this another crisis .. in the house .. uninvited guests that have decided to make home here and cause immense caution among some sensitive members of the family."

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