U.S. imposes sanctions on Israeli group for blocking aid to Gaza

The United States has imposed sanctions on an Israeli group, Tsav 9

U.S. imposes sanctions on Israeli group for blocking aid to Gaza
U.S. imposes sanctions on Israeli group for blocking aid to Gaza

The United States has imposed sanctions on an Israeli group, Tsav 9, for obstructing humanitarian aid convoys destined for starving civilians in Gaza.

As per Reuters, this move comes as part of Washington's efforts to target actors deemed to threaten peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Tsav 9, linked to Israeli army reservists and Jewish settlers in the West Bank, faces financial sanctions under an executive order signed by President Joe Biden in February.

The group is accused of blocking, harassing, and damaging aid shipments bound for Gaza.

According to the territory's health ministry, at least 37,000 people have been killed during Israel's eight-month invasion and bombardment of Gaza.

Meanwhile, Israel has also faced accusations of blocking aid, which it denies.

The sanctions on Tsav 9 mark a broader application of the executive order, previously used to target Jewish settlers involved in attacks on Palestinians and a Palestinian militant group.

The move freezes any assets held by the group under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibits Americans from engaging with it.

Moreover, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stated that Tsav 9 members have repeatedly obstructed humanitarian aid delivery to Gaza by blocking roads and damaging aid trucks.

The group claims to act to prevent supplies from reaching Hamas, accusing the Israeli government of supporting the Islamist group.