Beet juice intake may enhance heart health in postmenopausal women

A recent study delves into the potential health benefits of drinking beet juice every day

Beet juice intake may enhance heart health in postmenopausal women
Beet juice intake may enhance heart health in postmenopausal women

A recent study suggests that drinking beet juice every day could be better for blood vessel health.

The study, published in Frontiers in Nutrition, found that adding beet juice to daily diets might reduce the risk of heart disease in postmenopausal women.

According to the study, participants who consumed concentrated beet juice experienced notable enhancements in blood vessel function compared to those who did not.

The research involved a regimen of two 2.3-ounce bottles of concentrated beet juice initially, followed by one bottle every morning for seven days.

Meanwhile, the results underscored the effectiveness of beet juice with nitrate in enhancing blood flow, indicating its potential in reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues among postmenopausal women.

Dr. John Higgins, a sports cardiologist at UTHealth Houston, emphasised the heightened risk of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women, noting, "Postmenopausal women have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease because they lose the protective effect of estrogen on vascular function and nitric oxide production which normally keeps the arteries flexible, fluid, and resistant to plaque formation."

He went on to explain, “Other effects of age include postmenopausal women [who] are less active in general and gain weight, both of which are unhealthy.”

Dr.John further elucidated that beet juice, rich in nitrates, could serve as a natural remedy to counteract these effects and promote cardiovascular health.

Health benefits of beet juice:

Apart from its potential to enhance blood vessel function, beet juice offers a plethora of additional health benefits.

Dr. Higgins highlighted its role in lowering blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol, improving exercise stamina, enhancing muscle strength in heart failure patients, preventing fatty deposits in the liver, and supporting overall health during chemotherapy.

In light of these findings, experts advise consumers to opt for fresh organic beetroot juice with minimal additives and no added sugars when purchasing beet juice.