New 'AI scan' predicts heart attack risk up to a decade in advance

The new AI heart attack scan examines inflammation-related artery damage often missed by standard scans

New AI scan predicts heart attack risk up to a decade in advance
New AI scan predicts heart attack risk up to a decade in advance

Oxford University scientists have unveiled a groundbreaking AI heart attack scan capable of predicting heart attacks within the next decade.

The system, reportedly set to be deployed nationwide in the United Kingdom, is anticipated to revolutionize cardiovascular healthcare and potentially save thousands of lives annually.

Expected to undergo assessment by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the NHS, the technology aims to address the limitations of current diagnostic methods.

While, over 300,000 individuals report severe chest pains annually, traditional CT scans often fail to detect abnormalities in approximately 80% of cases, leading to potentially missed diagnoses and misplaced reassurances.

The new AI heart attack scan promises to provide deeper insights by analyzing inflammation-related artery damage undetected by conventional scans.

By uncovering this hidden information, doctors hope to offer more accurate assessments and personalized treatment plans for patients at risk of heart attacks.

Despite the promising potential of AI in healthcare, concerns about reliability and accuracy persist.

While, studies have shown that doctors concurred with the AI's findings in 45% of cases, ongoing efforts are essential to ensure the technology's effectiveness and mitigate potential risks associated with misinterpretation.