Joe Biden to pull his name out of election soon

Joe Biden can be replaced by Kamala Harris

Joe Biden can be replaced by Kamala Harris
Joe Biden can be replaced by Kamala Harris

Joe Biden has been firm as the Democratic Party’s leader up to this point, but top officials report that he’s not going to stay in the 2024 election race for long.

Media portal TMZ has acquired insider information on the matter, where a “top campaign official” has privately leaked that Joe Biden is going to bow out soon.

The inner situation of his party is at a scramble as they’re now shifting focus from supporting the current American president to “Democrats have to retain The White House.”

In other words, this means that Joe Biden has lost steady support from his own party, and if the group has to throw him out for emerging successful this time, they will do it.

Going on, the official has stated that the democrat will need more time to settle the panic within his political team.

First of all, they will have to understand polling trends, which however show “little improvement hope.”

It has to be noted that no one in Joe Biden’s campaign “considered a Plan B” until last week.

If he withdraws now, Kamala Harris can be brought forward as the new leader as she is expected to raise “more money.”