What causes back pain and how to prevent it?

Back pain is the major issue affecting many people and often worsens with age

What causes back pain and how to prevent it?
What causes back pain and how to prevent it?

Back pain is a major issue affecting many people and often worsens with age. It can significantly impact daily life, reducing mobility and causing discomfort.

As people grow older, their bodies undergo various changes that can contribute to the severity of back pain.

What causes back pain?

Key causes include muscle strain or injury, bulging or herniated discs, arthritis, osteoporosis, and poor ergonomics. Psychological stress can also exacerbate pain.

Certain risk factors increase the likelihood of back pain, such as a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, smoking, and improper lifting techniques.

How to manage back pain at home?

To manage back pain at home, individuals can engage in low-impact exercises like swimming or walking, apply ice or heat, and use over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen.

However, if back pain persists or is accompanied by severe symptoms like fever, weight loss, or changes in bowel or bladder function, it's important to consult a doctor for a thorough diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

How to prevent back pain?

To prevent back pain, maintaining good posture, regularly stretching and exercising, using supportive furniture and mattresses, and avoiding prolonged periods of inactivity are essential.