Jordan's king Abdullah appoints new prime minister following general election

This development comes after prime minister, Bisher Khasawneh, resignation from his position on last Sunday

Jordans king Abdullah appoints new prime minister following general election
Jordan's king Abdullah appoints new prime minister following general election

Jordan's King Abdullah II has appointed his chief of staff, Jaafar Hassan, as a new prime minister, giving him task to form a government following Tuesday’s parliamentary elections.

"King Abdullah on Sunday tasked Jaafar Hassan with forming a new government," a palace statement revealed.

This development comes after, the former prime minister, Bisher Khasawneh, resignation from his position on last Sunday.

In Jordon, It is the king who have the power to appoint the prime minister, not parliament as it has very limited powers.

In Tuesday's election the opposition party, the Islamic Action Front, affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood, emerged as the largest in parliament winning 31 out of the 138 seats. However, the turnout was only 32%.

This is the first time IAF has achieved largest representation since 1989.

The party's success came as the voters were frustrated by worst economic situation in country and Israel's ongoing brutality on Gaza.

In 1994, Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel becoming second Muslim country to do so after Egypt.

However, Jordanians have been protesting for the dissolution of the treaty since the war erupted in Gaza, last October.