Climate activist Greta Thunberg faces antisemitism backlash after anti-Israel protest arrest

Greta Thunberg was arrested on September 4 while protesting with Students Against the Occupation

Climate activist Greta Thunberg faces antisemitism backlash after anti-Israel protest arrest
Climate activist Greta Thunberg faces antisemitism backlash after anti-Israel protest arrest

Greta Thunberg, a 21-year old climate activist, was recently labeled "Antisemite of the Week" by the Jewish watchdog group StopAntisemitism following her arrest at an anti-Israel rally.

The group criticized her for supporting protesters who oppose Israel, accusing her of turning her activism into a platform for anti-Semitism.

StopAntisemitism said, "She has sadly transformed her activism into a platform for vile Jew-hatred."

Meanwhile, Liora Rez, founder of StopAntisemitism, condemned Thunberg for prioritizing her hatred for Israel over environmental concerns, despite Israel's efforts in climate action.

Rez stated, "Sadly, Greta's hatred of the world's only Jewish nation eclipses her love of the environment. Her actions speak louder than her words. She claims to care about the future of humanity but Greta's hypocrisy is on full display as she's been active in championing Hamas leaders who openly call for genocide."

Thunberg was arrested on September 4 while protesting with Students Against the Occupation, who were calling for Copenhagen University to sever ties with Israel, including its climate programs.