Are you nutrient deficient? 3 alarming indicators to watch for

3 warning signs your body might be signaling vitamin and mineral deficiency

Are you nutrient deficient? 3 alarming indicators to watch for
Are you nutrient deficient? 3 alarming indicators to watch for

Vitamins and minerals are crucial for growth and help to ensure the proper functions of the organs and body system. However, a lack of nutrients may cause several unpleasant issues and adverse effects in the body.

Patricia Graham, an internal medicine specialist at RUSH University Medical Center, says that there are many signs and symptoms that can help identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies, but “the good news is that often, if you take steps to address the deficiency, the symptoms will either improve or go away altogether."

Here’s a list of the top 3 signs your body might be lacking nutrients.

1- Brittle Hair & Nails:

While there might be various factors that may cause your hair and nails to become brittle, one of them is the lack of biotin, AKA vitamin B7.

Although biotin deficiency is considered to be rare, if it occurs, it can lead to thinning, splitting, and brittle hair and nails.

2- Mouth Problems:

Canker sores, mouth ulcers, and inflammations inside the mouth are found to be the indicators of a lack of vitamins and minerals. It is caused by either vitamin B2 or iron deficiency.

Deficiency in B-vitamins can also result in cracked lips, mouth, or swollen tongue.

3- Fatigue:

Lack of nutrients can also lead to unexplained fatigue, which is a common side effect of iron deficiency. This can also cause anemia.

Calcium plays an important role in regulating heartbeat, and its deficiency could lead to arrhythmia—an irregular heartbeat and even chest pains—and can even prevent the muscles from relaxing fully, leading to fatigue.