Iron deficiency affects 1 in 3 US adults, study reveals

Research revealed alarming iron deficiency rates in US

Iron deficiency affects 1 in 3 US adults, study reveals
Iron deficiency affects 1 in 3 US adults, study reveals

A new study found that every 1 in 3 adults in US are iron deficient even if they don’t have a health condition.

The study published in JAMA Network Open warned on iron deficiency as a pervasive and overlooked public health issue in the US.

Dr. Leo Buckley, lead author of the study and a clinical pharmacy specialist in the Department of Pharmacy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said in an email, “I think it’s important to consider the distinction between absolute and functional iron deficiency. Functional iron deficiency was fairly common across all ages and sexes. Conditions like obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease, which have become very common in the US, can cause functional iron deficiency.”

“The prevalence of absolute iron deficiency was highest in pre-menopausal women, which is consistent with prior studies. Absolute iron deficiency was also common among older women and men, a group that may be more susceptible to the effects of iron deficiency,” he added.

The study's findings revealed that iron deficiency often goes undetected. Routine checkups often uncover this issue through complete blood count tests, allowing for timely follow-up testing and intervention.