British doctor allegedly injects fake vaccine to target mother’s partner over inheritance

Kwan claimed in court that he gave the shot with the intention of causing only mild pain and discomfort

British doctor allegedly injects fake vaccine to target mother’s partner over inheritance
British doctor allegedly injects fake vaccine to target mother’s partner over inheritance

In a tragic incident, a British doctor gave a fake Covid-19 vaccine to his mother’s partner, which led to a serious skin infection.

After the incident occurred, Dr. Thomas Kwan faces accusations of attempting murder of Patrick O’Hara, 72.

Kwan, who works at a doctor’s office in Sunderland, made a daring plan that was connected to concerns regarding his inheritance.

He sent two fake letters that appeared to be from doctors saying that Patrick was scheduled for a home visit to get his vaccine.

As per reports, he spent 45 minutes at Patrick’s homes, conducting medical tests and other formalities.

Kwan claimed in court that he gave the shot with the intention of causing only "mild pain and discomfort," and denied the attempted murder charge.

Patrick experienced severe pain after the injection and went to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed him with a “rare and life-threatening disease” known as necrotizing fasciitis.

He then remained in extreme care for weeks and doctors put in every effort to fight with the disease.

According to reports, Kwan’s mother Leung included her partner in her will so he could easily stay in her home, which strained her relationship with her son.