4 powerful reasons to make walking part of your routine

Walking for about just 20 minutes a day could prove to be extremely beneficial for overall health as per experts

4 powerful reasons to make walking part of your routine
4 powerful reasons to make walking part of your routine

Physical activity has always played a significant role in the well-being of mankind. No matter what age or fitness level you have, staying active is what necessary for every human being.

According to experts, walking, which is a type of physical activity, provides several health benefits such as improving heart health, managing healthy body weight, improving mood and sleep, if done on regular basis.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, stated, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” This powerful statement is enough to explain how significant it is to include daily walk in life.

Here are the 4 reasons that may make you include walk in your life.

1- Improve blood circulation:

When you walk, the heart rate elevates, which helps in increasing blood circulation in the body, resulting in better flow. It also aids in lowering blood pressure. As per WebMD, walking for just 2 miles a day can reduce the risk of stroke.

2- Weight loss:

Walking, as mentioned earlier, is a type of physical activity, and staying active eventually helps in losing weight. When you walk, your body burns calories which makes it easier to reduce stored fat, resulting in weight loss.

3- Improve sleep:

Keeping yourself active makes it easier to fall asleep as it improves mood and makes body feel relaxed.

As per a study, The effect of daily walking exercise on sleep quality in healthy young adults, published in Springer Nature Link, adults who incorporate walking in their daily routines, found to have a positive impact on the quality and length of sleep.

4- Ease joint pain:

According to a 2019 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, which included 1,564 adults over the age of 49, suffering from lower-body joint pain, it was found that those who walked for an hour per week were more likely to remain disability-free four years later.

To conclude, incorporate walking for at least 20 minutes a day could help you experience all the above mentioned health benefits.