Why is excess belly fat more deadly for men than women?

Research reveals shocking reasons behind men getting belly fat

Research reveals shocking reasons behind men getting belly fat
Research reveals shocking reasons behind men getting belly fat

Scientists have warned that belly fat is more dangerous for men as compared to women.

According to Telegraph, new research published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry reveals the real reason behind men’s belly fat.

“Beer belly” is more common in men than women, increasing the risk of high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and dementia.

Prof. Akheel Syed, a consultant physician in obesity, diabetes, and endocrinology, noted that the reason behind the difference in the number of “beer belly” men and women is due to the consumption of too many calories.

Experts have suggested that men are at more risk due to belly fat as compared to women, as they have higher levels of androgen hormones, which makes their bodies store extra fat around their stomachs, rather than any other area.

Health Risks of Beer Bellies for Men

Men with beer bellies are more prone to Type 2 diabetes because having lost visceral fat means that the liver and pancreas are surrounded by fat, which “predisposes you to insulin resistance. Even though you may be producing insulin in adequate amounts, that insulin is not quite as efficient as it should be, which causes your blood sugar levels to rise, and, eventually, that tips over into Type 2 diabetes,” explained Prof. Syed.

Syed also warned that this puts men at risk of all of the conditions that come with Type 2 diabetes, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, and strokes.