Most unsanitary areas in grocery stores shoppers should avoid

These are some parts of stores that you need to be careful of on your next grocery run

Most unsanitary areas in grocery stores shoppers should avoid
Most unsanitary areas in grocery stores shoppers should avoid

Grocery shopping is just a necessary errand for some, while for others its feels like a therapeutic run.

Such a mundane action has become risky in times of high infectious diseases such as flu and norovirus outbreaks, as you might contact illness causing bacteria.

To help individuals shop with ease, here are some germs-infested areas in grocery stores that should be avoided.

PIN pads and checkout touchscreens

Most unsanitary areas in grocery stores shoppers should avoid

Putting pressure while touching a surface makes the transfer of germs more easy, hence the most germs-infested places in the store could be PIN pad and touchscreens at the cashier.

The whole checkout section is a high-touch area that rarely gets disinfected, along with bar code scanners and card readers.

Health experts encourage contactless payment to reduce the high-contact surfaces.

Shopping Cart and Basket Handles

Most unsanitary areas in grocery stores shoppers should avoid

As mentioned above, areas with high-human touch and traffic are more prone to germs including shopping carts and basket handles.

As per previous studies, several types of bacteria were detected on shopping carts and basket handles, including those that can cause food-borne illnesses such as S. aureus and E. coli.

To avoid the risk of exposure, wipe the handles down by disinfecting wipes before use.

Refrigerator and Freezer Doors

Most unsanitary areas in grocery stores shoppers should avoid

One of the places that people might not think of being most bacteria-ridden are refrigerator and freezer doors.

As the doors required pressure to be open, they are on the list of most contaminated places in grocery stores.

Bulk food bins and scoops

Most unsanitary areas in grocery stores shoppers should avoid

Bulk food bins such as nuts, spices and candy are often contaminated by hands that might not be clean.

To be safe, always wash your hands by soap after touching the handles or scoops.


Most unsanitary areas in grocery stores shoppers should avoid

It is highly advised to avoid the bathrooms at public places like in grocery stores as they rarely receive thorough cleaning and disinfection.

To avoid getting infected, it is recommended to not touch your face with hands before cleaning it thoroughly with after a grocery run, along with disinfecting what you can while you’re in store.