Autistic woman wrongly locked in mental hospital for 45 years

The woman who is thought to be originally from Sierra Leone was given the name 'Kasibba'

Autistic woman wrongly locked in mental hospital for 45 years
Autistic woman wrongly locked in mental hospital for 45 years

A woman who is autistic and has learning disability was mistakenly confined in a mental health hospital for 45 years.

The woman who is thought to be originally from Sierra Leone was given the name "Kasibba" by the local authorities to keep her identity private.

As per BBC, she was kept in isolation for 25 years under long-term segregation and had been fighting for nine years to secure Kasibba's release.

Kasibba cannot speak and had no family to support or advocate for her.

As per the reports, Kasibba, who is now in her 50s initially stayed in a children's home, but that placement did not work out and by the time she was seven, she was moved into a long-stay mental health hospital.

Dr Patsie Staite said that hospital staff had labeled Kasibba as "dangerous" and an "eye-gouger."

However, upon reviewing records, she found only one incident that seemed to have led to these accusations.

This incident happened decades ago when Kasibba was 19.

At that time, a fire alarm had gone off, and staff were evacuating the locked ward she was in.

Kasibba was feeling distressed and overwhelmed during the chaotic situation. Amid the confusion, another patient approached her.

In response, Kasibba scratched the person which resulted in a cut to the other patient's eye.

After working for several months, Dr. Staite completed a 50-page report and submitted it to Camden Council, the local authority in north London responsible for placing Kasibba in the hospital.

Her report further concluded that Kasibba was not dangerous and could safely live in the community instead of being confined in a hospital.