WHO shares guidelines for Ramadan 2024: DETAILS

WHO shares guidelines for Ramadan 2024: DETAILS
Essential guidelines to obey during the holy month of Ramadan 2024

As March heralds the onset of festivities, it brings forth a tapestry of celebrations. From the spiritually reflective month of Ramadan observed by the global Muslim community, to the vibrant Hindu festivals of Maha Shivratri, and Holi this month is truly special. 

Ramadan, held in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a dedicated period for introspection, spirituality, and communal unity for Muslims, and WHO has compiled a guideline for those observing the holy month. 

:WHO Guidelines for Ramadan 2024

• Opt for a balanced diet, avoiding excess fried/oily foods.

• Prioritize nutrition and stay hydrated with adequate water intake.

• Limit salt, use herbs for flavor.

• Exercise regularly during Ramadan for digestion and overall health.

• Avoid tobacco and vaping for well-being.

• Opt for baking or steaming instead of excessive frying for healthier meals