Are babies safe while sleeping? Find out

New study reveals alarming infant death rates in Cook County during sleep

Are babies safe while sleeping? Find out
Are babies safe while sleeping? Find out

A recent study conducted by pediatricians at RUSH sheds light on the alarming frequency of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) in Cook County.

According to Dr Gina Lowell, who heads the SUID Case Registry, an average of one infant death occurs each week due to SUID.

The study, which meticulously examines each SUID case, emphasizes the importance of safe sleep practices for infants.

However, Dr Lowell stresses that ensuring a safe sleep environment is crucial for everyone involved in an infant's care, including parents, siblings, grandparents, and childcare providers.

Key findings from the study indicate that nearly every sudden unexpected infant death involved one or more sleep hazards. 

Among these hazards, sleeping in an unsafe environment, on their stomach, with another person, and with soft bedding were commonly observed factors.

The study also reveals that found black babies were over 14 times more likely to die in their sleep compared to white babies, and Hispanic babies also faced a greater risk.

While, Dr Kyran Quinlan, formerly involved in the study, emphasizes the painful reality of these deaths, urging for increased awareness and compassion in addressing the issue.

In response to these findings, the registry team collaborates with various community organizations and healthcare providers to raise awareness and provide necessary resources for safe infant sleep practices.

Dr Lowell underscores the need for continued efforts in promoting safe sleep practices. She points out that many healthcare providers aren't fully aware of how often and serious these incidents are.