Here's how enough sleep and moderate exercise help with healthy aging

10% of the world's population is more than 65 years old

Here's how enough sleep and moderate exercise help with healthy aging
10% of the world's population is more than 65 years old

New research once again proved that enough sleep and moderate exercise help people with healthy aging.

According to the study published in the journal JAMA Network Open, it supports the idea that a combination of good sleep and movement leads to a healthier and longer life.

The study author wrote, “These findings complement previous evidence on the association between these behaviours and mortality and provide important evidence for promoting active lifestyles for achieving optimal health at older ages.”

Moreover, Ryan Glatt, a senior brain health coach and director of the FitBrain Program at Pacific Neuroscience Institute in California, told Medical News Today, “To improve sleep and start exercising, maintain a regular sleep schedule and a relaxing bedtime routine,” said Glatt, who wasn’t involved in the study. “Ensure your sleep environment is cool, dark, and quiet, and limit screen time before bed.”

He noted, “For exercise, try to incorporate aerobic exercise, resistance training, neuromotor exercises, mind-body exercises, and/or more physical activity.”

Glatt added, “All of these modalities provide both shared and unique health benefits, which may also improve sleep. More relaxing modalities that incorporate breathing and stretching, such as yoga and tai chi, may be helpful prior to sleep.”

Moreover, Dr. Neil Paulvin, an anti-aging and longevity doctor in New York City, asserted, “Sleep helps aging in many ways, including improved memory, improved heart health, better glucose control, less risk of Alzheimer's, and more.”

Paulvin explained, “Exercise, due to the production of myokines, is so important for aging. It helps maintain cognitive health, decreases inflammation, builds muscle important for longevity, improves insulin sensitivity, lowers blood pressure, and much more.”