Benjamin Netanyahu vows strong US-Israel ties regardless of election outcome

Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with Joe Biden on Tuesday

Benjamin Netanyahu vows strong US-Israel ties regardless of election outcome
Benjamin Netanyahu vows strong US-Israel ties regardless of election outcome

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Monday that Israel will remain the United States' closest ally in the Middle East, regardless of the outcome of the upcoming US presidential election in November.

As per Reuters, Netanyahu made this statement before leaving for Washington, where he is scheduled to speak to the US Congress.

This visit marks Netanyahu's first trip to the US since he began his record sixth term as Prime Minister in late 2022.

His visit is occurring amid President Joe Biden's announcement that he will not run for reelection.

Netanyahu plans to express his gratitude to President Biden for his longstanding support of Israel and discuss key issues such as the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza, the fight against Hamas, and dealing with Iran and its regional allies.

A meeting with President Biden is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, depending on Biden's recovery from Covid-19. Netanyahu is set to address Congress on Wednesday.

Speaking to reporters before his departure, Netanyahu emphasised the enduring bond between the U.S. and Israel, saying, "Regardless of who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains America's indispensable and strong ally in the Middle East.”

He also stressed the importance of demonstrating unity, especially during times of conflict, to send a clear message to Israel's adversaries that both nations stand together.