China urges EU to stay neutral on South China Sea issues

China expressed strong dissatisfaction with the EU's recent accusations

China urges EU to stay neutral on South China Sea issues
China urges EU to stay neutral on South China Sea issues

China has called on the European Union to be "objective and fair" and to choose its words and actions carefully regarding the South China Sea.

As per multiple outlets, in a statement, China expressed "strong dissatisfaction" with the EU's recent "accusations."

The statement added, "The European Union is not a party to the South China Sea issue and has no right to point fingers on the issue."

It also noted that the EU's repeated focus on freedom of navigation does not benefit the EU's interests or international credibility.

China and the Philippines accused each other of intentionally ramming coastguard vessels in disputed waters in the South China Sea on Saturday, marking their fifth maritime clash in a month.

On Sunday, the EU condemned the "dangerous actions by China Coast Guard vessels against lawful Philippine maritime operations" in the sea.

In response to China's reaction, an EU spokesperson said on Monday that, "A large portion of the EU’s foreign trade passes through the South China Sea."

It further added, "The European Union calls for de-escalation of tensions and remains committed to supporting its partners seeking to exercise their legitimate rights, in the region and beyond."