1 day off in 104 work days: Chinese man's death raises worker safety concerns

Chinese painter A’bao, 30, died tragically after working under strict contract

Chinese painter A’bao, 30, died tragically after working under strict contract
Chinese painter A’bao, 30, died tragically after working under strict contract

A 30-year-old Chinsese man tragically died after working for 104 consecutive workdays with only one day off.

According to South China Morning Post, a Chinese painter, A'bao, lost his life due to organ failure following the hectic work schedule of 104 days with only one-day rest.

China’s province Zhejiang’s court in a ruling said that the company is 20 percent responsible for the death of the painter.

It was also identified by the court that A’bao died due to multiple organ failure because of pneumococcal infection, which is usually caused by the weak immune system.

A’bao signed a strict contract with a company from February 2023 to January 2024, agreeing to work on a project in Zhoushan in Zhejiang province in eastern China.

During the contact, he worked daily from February to May 2023 while taking only one rest day on April 6. He fell ill on May 25 and took sick leave, after which his condition started getting worsened.

Three days later, he was diagnosed with lung infection and respiratory failure. Despite getting treatment, he died after few days.

Moreover, A’boa’s tragic death sparked outrage and debate in China over worker security rules in the country.

A user wrote online, “It’s heartbreaking to see this. Working like this is truly exchanging one’s life for money.”

Another user added, “The cost of breaking the law for companies is too low, and it seems the labour law only exists to restrain the workers.”

Furthermore, following the lawsuit filed by A’bao’s family, the court awarded the 400,000 yuan (approximately ₹47,19,036) in compensation for the painter’s death, including 10,000 yuan for emotional distress.