3 key benefits of Retinol for healthier, smoother skin

Retinol, also called vitamin A₁, is a fat-soluble vitamin in the vitamin A family

3 key benefits of Retinol for healthier, smoother skin
3 key benefits of Retinol for healthier, smoother skin

Synthetically produced from vitamin A, retinol is a member of the larger class of retinoids. 

With the help of specific enzymes present in the skin, this substance will transform into retinoic acid when administered topically.

Though retinoic acid is a topical agent, its conversion over time is not as natural as that of retinol creams or serums, making it harsher.

3 main benefits of Retinol for skin:

Clear Acne:

Retinol purges pores, clearing the skin and stopping further breakouts. Naturally, fewer acne cases will mean less acne scars and it can also enhance the benefits of other medicated creams and gels, so you can receive the most out of any treatments you're doing.


One of the most popular and thoroughly researched anti-aging substances available today is retinol. 

Tretinoin was first offered as an anti-acne medication in the 1970s, but it soon became apparent that it also had significant anti-aging benefits.

Even Skin Tone:

Retinol promotes skin cell turnover, which has the appearance of exfoliating the skin. With higher amounts of collagen and elastin, dull and dry skin gives way to fresh, glowing, and more balanced skin. 

Stronger, smoother, and with fewer flaws overall is the thicker skin. Thus, retinol can have radiating effects even on skin that is very "problem-free".