Joe Biden vows federal aid to Hurricane Helene's devastated regions

President Joe Biden also shared his plans to visit the devasted region later this week

Joe Biden vows federal aid to Hurricane Helenes devastated regions
Joe Biden vows federal aid to Hurricane Helene's devastated regions

President Joe Biden has pledged to deploy the U.S. aid for “as long as it takes” to help communities recover from the Hurricane Helene.

According to Biden, the Hurricane Helene has taken at least 100 lives Over the weekend, while over 600 are unaccounted for across 10 states.

“This is an historic storm. It’s devastating. They’ve never seen anything like this before,” Biden said on Monday.

He continued, “I’ve directed my team to provide every, every available resource as fast as possible to your communities to rescue, recover, and to begin rebuilding.”

Biden further shared his plans to visit the devasted region later this week.

“I’m here to tell every single survivor in these impacted areas that will be with you as long as it takes,” he added.

Biden went on to assure, “I want them to know: We’re not leaving until the job is done.”

Kamala Harris also received an update on recovery efforts last night and is scheduled to attend another briefing this afternoon.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump, is visiting Valdosta, Georgia, today. Trump initially planned to visit North Carolina but was advised against it due to restricted communication in the area.