Is it safe to eat banana daily? Here’s what expert says

Health expert Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes shares her verdict on daily banana consumption

Is it safe to eat banana daily? Here’s what expert says
Is it safe to eat banana daily? Here’s what expert says

Bananas are rich in carbs and dietary fiber, potassium, manganese, and vitamins B6 and C, however, many people avoid this fruit just because of its higher sugar content.

However, health expert Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes, who is M.S., R.D.N., C.D.C.E.S., and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics thinks of this highly nutritious fruit, as reported by Prevention.

The expert broke down the nutritional information of a single banana and then shared her view.

Nutritional value of banana:

One medium sized banana contains following amount of nutrition.

• Calories: 105

• Carbohydrates: 27 g

• Fiber: 3 g

• Sugars: 14.5 g

• Protein: 1 g

• Total Fat: 0.5 g

• Sodium: 1 mg

• Potassium: 422 mg (9% of the daily value)

• Magnesium: 37 mg (9% of the daily value)

• Vitamin B6: 0.5 mg (33% of the daily value)

Is daily consumption of banana bad?

Sue-Ellen states that “it is okay to consume a banana every day.”

As per CDC, only one out of ten Americans consume enough quantity of fruits and vegetables daily. “Eating a banana daily can be an excellent way to incorporate essential nutrients from fruits into the diet,” says Nichole Dandrea-Russert, a dietician at Purely Planted website.

She further weighs in that consuming one or two bananas a day may be fine, but eating just one banana along with some other fruit and vegetables can prove to be more beneficial.

Health benefits of bananas:

1- Improves heart health:

Bananas are packed in potassium, which plays key role in maintaining heart health. A medium sized banana provides 422 mg of potassium which is about 9% of the daily requirement. It also helps lower the risk of stroke and prevents kidney stones, as per WebMD.

2- Maintains digestive health:

Although bananas are high in sugar, they have low-glycemic index value of 51, which means it does not cause the blood sugar spike. The fiber content in bananas help in improving and maintaining good digestion, resulting in better gut health.

3- Rich in antioxidants:

All fruits and vegetables including bananas are excellent source of antioxidants. Bananas contain several different types of antioxidants including flavonoids and amines which ensure healthy heart and eyes. Antioxidants also help prevent the oxidative damage done to the cels due to free radicals, as per Healthline.

The bottom line:

Daily consumption of banana is beneficial for health but it should always be eaten in moderation. Excessive consumption of anything is proven to be bad for health.