A certain skin condition, which we often ignore could indicate the presence of high cholesterol.
As per SurreyLive, Dr. James O’Donovan believes psoriasis, a skin condition that causes inflammation, scaling and itching might be a sign of high cholesterol.
This condition is reported to affect one in every 50 people in the UK.
Speaking on his YouTube channel, Dr O'Donovan said, “Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes an inflammatory response in your body and it can affect your blood vessels causing a higher risk of heart disease. Now the exact link between psoriasis and higher cholesterol isn’t fully clear but if you’ve got psoriasis then you might want to consider having your cholesterol and triglyceride levels checked by your doctor.”
The National Health Service (NHS) warns that people with psoriasis may have an increased risk of developing heart-related diseases.
In the meantime, NHS also suggests that these risks can be reduced through a healthy lifestyle.
NHS advices making changes to your diet and exercising regularly to reduce health risks.
It shared, “There is evidence that suggests that patients with psoriasis are at increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. This risk is increased if the psoriasis is severe or also involves the joints (psoriatic arthritis).”
The statement further added, “It is not completely understood why this risk occurs in people with psoriasis but it is thought to be due to inflammation. Inflammation is when the body produces special cells to fight the psoriasis on your skin or in your joints and these cells are transported in your blood.”
Dr O’Donovan explains that in addition to psoriasis, other skin conditions can also be a sign of high cholesterol, including yellow lesions, reddish-blue skin discolouration and a ring around the iris of the eye.