Experts have revealed that how often a person pees shows their lifestyle habits and health status.
According to CNN, a urologist at Orlando Health, Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, suggested that most of the healthy people pee about six to eight times in a day.
He said, “For most, it’s reasonable to need to pee every (three to four) hours during the day. At night, ideally, you’re only getting up once or none. If you’re waking up more often, it could mean something’s off.”
The urologist noted that the people who drink a lot of water or beverages could pee up to ten times a day, which is also fine.
Brahmbhatt explained, “Honestly, everyone’s a little different, so there’s no magic number that works for everyone. If it’s hot and you’re sweating a lot, you might pee less. The important thing is knowing what’s normal for you. If you’re suddenly running to the bathroom way more, or way less, it might be worth checking out, especially if it’s messing up your quality of life.”
Moreover, excessive urination happens when a person goes to the bathroom too often even without lots of water or beverage consumption.
Excessive urination is caused by overactive bladder syndrome, diabetes, a urinary tract infection, or medications and diuretic medications, which are prescribed for blood pressure or heart conditions.
Dr. Jason Kim, a clinical associate professor of urology, asserted that the urination process of a person is controlled by a complex neurological system that involves the bladder, urethra, and brain. That is why some times excessive urination is caused by stroke, spinal cord injuries and other neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and central nervous system tumors.
But if this is not the case, then experts have suggested that to visit a urologist who can help determine the reason and potentially start bladder training exercises.