Heart disease claims one life every 34 seconds in US

American Heart Association reveals heart disease kills more people than cancer and accidents together

Heart disease claims one life every 34 seconds in US
Heart disease claims one life every 34 seconds in US

The American Heart Association revealed that in every 34 seconds, a person in the US died because of heart disease.

According to Science Blog, a new report published in the Association’s 2025 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update, on Monday, January 27, 2025, found that heart diseases are the deadliest threat for the citizens, as it kills more people than cancer and accidents in the Americas.

The worrying statistics showed that deaths from cardiovascular diseases increased to 941,652 in 2022, which was more than 10,000 in 2021.

The president of the American Heart Association, Dr. Keith Churchwell, said, “Did you know that in the U.S., someone dies of cardiovascular disease every 34 seconds? Nearly 2,500 people in the U.S. die from cardiovascular disease every day. Those are alarming statistics to me, and they should be alarming for all of us because it’s likely many among those whom we lose will be our friends and loved ones.”

Kazi emphasises, “The disparities in risk and outcomes call for tailored interventions among high-risk populations. Simply discovering breakthrough therapies isn’t going to be enough, we have to ensure that these therapies are accessible and affordable to people who need them most.”

Furthermore, Dr. Dhruv S. Kazi from Harvard Medical School warned that by 2050 over 180 million Americans will have high blood pressure, obesity, or diabetes, which will most likely increase healthcare costs for heart problems to 300%.