Here are few micro-habits to make your life much healthier and happier

Some micro-habits to adopt in your everyday life in order to achieve a much accomplished and balanced life

Here are few micro-habits to make your life much healthier and happier
Here are few micro-habits to make your life much healthier and happier 

Most people think that change is always something big or start with life-altering habits, but sometimes the goal you’re trying to achieve is too major to conquer in one go.

The pressure of doing something significant can leave you overwhelmed and with almost no progress at all.

In order to make sense of your goals and achieve them in a timely manner, micro-habits are the best way forward.

These are small steps you incorporate in your daily life to achieve your big goal.

If one of your goals is to live a much healthier and balanced life, here are some micro-habits you need to pick up.

Take deep breath before reacting

Here are few micro-habits to make your life much healthier and happier

In order to get better understanding of your emotions, many experts have encouraged to take a deep breath before reacting to any situation or a making a major decision.

This helps regulates your emotion, reduce stress and helps you get in touch with your feelings.

Make bed in morning

Here are few micro-habits to make your life much healthier and happier

One of the micro-habits that everyone should adopt is making of bed first thing in the morning.

A habit that requires two minutes of your day could become the first brick to make the rest of your day productive.

Express gratitude

Here are few micro-habits to make your life much healthier and happier

To help appreciate your surroundings and life more, writing down one thing you’re grateful for every day.

This habit helps your brain in focusing on the positives of life, which prompts the release serotonin, which provides the feeling of safety.

A quick stretch

Here are few micro-habits to make your life much healthier and happier

If you’re someone who does a desk job, setting a goal for a quick stretch once an hour could help you getting up from sitting, boosting circulations in the body.

The stretch could be a 10-second fold, where you fold and touch your toes because the main goal is to encourage your body to get-up and move a bit.

Read a page from a book

Here are few micro-habits to make your life much healthier and happier

The last thing before closing your eyes at night should not be your phone screen.

One of the most encouraged micro-habits is trying to read a page of a book before going bed.

You don’t necessarily have to set the goal of finishing a book, just reading a little something before sleeping can influence your brain in a positive way.

To achieve the maximum benefits from micro-habits, you should always be clear about your end goal and where you are right now, to understand your progress better.