Harry Potter-themed Airbnb left in ruins after guest’s shocking vandalism

The Airbnb, located in Watford was designed as a magical retreat for Harry Potter fans

A Harry Potter-themed Airbnb was severely damaged after a guest caused £5,000 worth of destruction to the property.

The Airbnb, located in Watford was designed as a magical retreat for Harry Potter fans, featuring themed rooms based on Hogwarts houses, props, figures, a mini library, themed crockery, bedding, posters and games.

The Harry Potter-themed Airbnb became popular on TikTok after the owner shared updates about turning a plain home into a unique, magical space.

However, all of the owner's efforts were ruined when a problematic guest caused significant damage to the property.

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The floor was littered with frozen chips, broken glass and shattered floating lanterns.

The TV had been smashed and soaked in bleach, while the furniture was either moved or flipped upside down. Many of the special Harry Potter-themed decorations were either misplaced or broken.

The most disturbing sight was the bed which looked like crime scene with the mattress and sheets covered in a strange brown liquid.

As per the reports, the owner found a knife near the window and traces of cannabis in the room.

The property owner shared the incident on her TikTok page, revealing that the guest had made the booking through Booking.com.

She has since contacted both the police and Booking.com to address the situation.