US Supreme Court reversed Colorado ruling against former President Donald Trump

Colorado Secretary of State's office sought to remove Trump from the presidential ballout

US Supreme Court reversed Colorado ruling against former President Donald Trump
US Supreme Court reversed Colorado ruling against former President Donald Trump

The Supreme Court of the United States has reversed a ruling by Colorado authorities against the former President Donald Trump, to exclude him from the state's 2024 presidential ballot.

As reported by multiple western media outlets, the decision, which was announced on Monday, March 4, 2024, gave a clean chit to Trump to run for the presidency in the upcoming elections.

The dispute originated when the Colorado Secretary of State's office sought to remove Trump from the ballot over allegations of wrongdoing during his tenure as president.

The state's decision was based on a law that gives the election officials power to disqualify candidates, who have been involved in certain crimes or in unethical conduct.

However, Trump and his legal team strongly challenged the move, arguing that it violated his constitutional rights and dubbed it as a politically motivated attack on his candidacy.

The case quickly intensified and reached to the United States’ highest court for resolution and in 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court sided with Trump, ruling that Colorado's attempt to block him from the elections was unconstitutional.

Chief Justice John Roberts highlighted the importance of stabilizing the democratic process and ensuring that voters have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of candidates.

"The right to participate in elections is fundamental to our democracy," Roberts wrote in the majority opinion.

He added, "While states have legitimate interests in regulating the electoral process, those interests must be balanced against the rights of individuals to seek elected office and the rights of voters to make informed decisions at the ballot box."

With the new ruling in favor of Trump, the former president is all set to appear in Colorado's 2024 presidential ballot.