Netanyahu and Trump meet at Mar-a-Lago amid Gaza protest tensions

Benjamin Netanyahu also met Democratic President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris during his US visit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu concluded a high-profile visit to the United States with a meeting with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

As per the reports, the Israeli premiere and the former US president met at estate in Florida.

Netanyahu’s meeting with Trump, the Republican nominee for president in November came a day after he met Democratic President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The meeting marked the end of Netanyahu's week-long visit to the US, which was followed by sizable protests, political boycotts by US lawmakers, and human rights organisations' warnings over Israel's Gaza conflict.

As he welcomed Netanyahu and his spouse Sara, Trump chastised Harris for expressing worry about the impact of Israel's attack on Palestinian civilians in public remarks following their meeting with the Israeli leader.

“I think her remarks were disrespectful,” Trump said.

According to pool reporters, Netanyahu stated that Israel would be sending a negotiation team to Rome "probably at the beginning of the week" to examine a proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza.

He stated that he believed Israeli military pressure was the reason for the movement's efforts to negotiate a ceasefire.

Trump denied any indication that he and Netanyahu were at odds, stating that they "always had a very good relationship."

To note, During his presidency spanned from January 2017 until January 2021, Trump's policy of bilateral and permissive US-Israeli relations bolstered Netanyahu's government while mainly disregarding the concerns of the Palestinian people.