Putin warns US of cold war-style missile standoff over German deployment

The US announced on July 10 that it will begin deploying long-range missiles in Germany starting in 2026

Putin warns US of cold war-style missile standoff over German deployment

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning to the United States on Sunday, July 28, regarding the deployment of long-range missiles in Germany.

As per Reuters, Putin warned that if the US proceeds with its plans, Russia will position similar missiles within striking distance of Western targets.

This warning follows the US announcement on July 10 that it will begin deploying long-range missiles in Germany starting in 2026.

These deployments are expected to include SM-6, Tomahawk cruise missiles, and developmental hypersonic weapons.

Addressing sailors from Russia, China, Algeria, and India during Russian Navy Day celebrations in St. Petersburg, Putin emphasised the potential threat saying, “The flight time to targets on our territory of such missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes.”

He further added, “We will take mirror measures to deploy, taking into account the actions of the United States, its satellites in Europe, and in other regions of the world."

Putin, who initiated military action in Ukraine in 2022, frames the conflict as part of a broader struggle with the West, accusing it of undermining Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Moreover, Ukraine and Western nations view Putin's actions as an imperial-style land grab, vowing to resist Russia's advances.

Currently, Russia controls approximately 18% of Ukraine, including Crimea and parts of four eastern regions.