Kenya’s robot waiters raise red flags for workers, spark job anxiety

Kenyan waiters fear job loss amid robot waiters take over restaurant servings

Kenyan waiters fear job loss amid robot waiters take over restaurant servings
Kenyan waiters fear job loss amid robot waiters take over restaurant servings

Kenya’s latest move to add robotic waiters to the restaurant staff is sparking a buzz of anxiety among the workers!

In Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, people are getting amused by the latest introduction and addition of technology to the restaurants.

As the robot waiters went around to take and serve the orders, people could not hold themselves from capturing the scenes.

Nairobi, famed for various tech startups and innovations in operations, has a captivating and vibrant tech industry. Famously called The Silicone Savanna, the city proves to be a tech hug in East Africa.

Three robots were introduced in a unique café, named Robot Café, that had only three robot waiters serving food to mesmerize the guests.

However, with the addition of this latest technology, the workers are in fear of losing their jobs due to these robots.

Busting the concerns, the café manager, John Kariuki, assured, “At no point are the robots able to fully function in all the services that are supposed to be ongoing in the restaurant without the human touch.”

"The robots are actually way too expensive for us to acquire, so if you are trying to save money, it is not going to work if you choose to go the robotic way,” he further added.

Edith Ojwang, a hospitality industry expert, stated that the industry is quite big and have clients who prefer to be in human touch and warmth.