Study finds simple remedy to cut child's cold duration by 2 days

Remedy is not currently available in stores, but can be made at home

Study finds simple remedy to cut childs cold duration by 2 days
Study finds simple remedy to cut child's cold duration by 2 days

A new study has revealed a simple, effective remedy to reduce the length of a child's cold by two days and limit the spread of the virus among family members.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh presented their findings at the European Respiratory Society Congress, showcasing the benefits of using salt-water nose drops.

According to the study, children who used the 2.6% salt-water solution experienced cold symptoms for an average of six days, compared to eight days for those receiving usual care.

Additionally, the children using the salt-water drops required fewer medicines during their illness.

Professor Steve Cunningham, lead researcher, emphasized the significant impact of colds on families and the need for effective treatments.

"Children have up to 10 to 12 upper respiratory tract infections - what we refer to as colds - per year, which have a big impact on them and their families," he said.

Steve further added, "There are medicines to improve symptoms, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, but no treatments that can make a cold get better quicker."

The remedy is not currently available in stores, but parents can make the solution at home. 

Professor Cunningham's team plans to release instructions and a video to assist with this process.