Biden Administration's gun safety initiatives show promising results, reports

The White House reported a 17% reduction in homicides, building on a significant decrease seen in 2023

Biden Administrations gun safety initiatives show promising results, reports
Biden Administration's gun safety initiatives show promising results, reports

As the US presidential election approaches, a recent report reveals that the Biden Administration's gun safety initiatives show promising results.

The White House has emphasized key progress in gun safety initiatives, revealing that enhanced background checks have effectively prevented thousands of gun sales to individuals under 21 and those with misdemeanor domestic violence convictions over the past year.

As per Reuters, the White House reported a 17% reduction in homicides, building on a significant decrease seen in 2023.

Data from the Gun Violence Archive shows that mass shootings have dropped 20% in 2024 so far, likely reaching the lowest numbers since 2019.

Under Biden's Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, signed into law in June 2022, the FBI has conducted over 300,000 enhanced background checks for those under 21, resulting in more than 3,500 denied transactions, with nearly 900 blocked due to these enhanced checks.

Additionally, over 4,600 sales have been stopped this year due to checks on individuals with domestic violence convictions.

Stefanie Feldman, who heads the new office revealed that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris plan to announce further executive actions soon.