Biden to make historic apology ahead of presidential election

Joe Biden will apologize for the 150 years of atrocities with the Native American community

Biden to apologies to Native American community ahead of presidential election
Biden to apologies to Native American community ahead of presidential election 

US President Joe Biden is all set to formally make a landmark apology to the Native American communities almost ten days ahead of the presidential elections.

According to BBC, Biden during his final month in office will issue an apology to the Native American community for the 150-year Indian boarding school policy that forced Indigenous children to attend school where many were physically, emotionally, and sexually abused.

Biden told reporters on Thursday, October 24, 2024, “I'm heading to do something that should have been done a long time ago - make a formal apology to the Indian nations for the way we treated their children for so many years.”

The president is scheduled to issue an apology from the southwestern state of Arizona on Friday.

Moreover, the US government established Indian boarding schools in the 1819s, and till the 1970s Indigenous children were taken to these schools forcibly away from their homes and families.

These boarding schools wiped out Alaska Native, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian children's connection with their culture, language, and traditions to replace their heritage with American culture.

In more than 523 government-funded Indian boarding schools during the 19th and 20th-century tens of thousands of children were abducted and more than 950 children died and never returned to their homes.

Furthermore, the Biden administration for the first time in history federally investigated the Indian boarding school system to reveal and address its painful history.