Experts have recently shared their recommendations on which fruit is most beneficial for maintaining a healthier liver.
You have probably heard the popular saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” right?
No doubt apples are commonly considered a good choice for enhancing overall health as they are easy to find, inexpensive and known for their valuable nutritional content.
Apples contain special plant compounds called Flavonoids that help liver to stay healthier.
The study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, revealed that flavonoids are substances found in plants that help protect cells from stress or damage.
While, these compounds are found in various foods, apples are particularly known for being a good source of these beneficial compounds. Apples are also rich in fibre, vitamin and other antioxidants.
Researchers from different organizations have studied how apples could contribute to better liver health.
Apples are beneficial for digestion because they contain two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble which support healthy digestion.
Soluble fiber helps regulate digestion, while insoluble fiber aids in moving waste through the digestive system.
Additionally, apples contain vitamins and antioxidants that may support the liver in removing harmful substances from the body.
The study has shown that apples contain the fiber and polyphenols that can help reduce cholesterol levels in the liver.
Consistently consuming apples may be especially beneficial for people at risk of liver problems.
Some nutritionists point out that apples are more nutritious when eaten with their skins because the peel specifically contains additional nutrients.
However, even if apples are sliced or cooked in different ways, they can still provide a good amount of nutrients.