UK’s most-visited attractions in 2024: Who took top spots?

UK’s top tourist spots saw a 3.4% rise in visitors compared to the previous year

UK’s most-visited attractions in 2024: Who took top spots?
UK’s most-visited attractions in 2024: Who took top spots?

The British Museum remained the most-visited attraction in the UK for the second consecutive year, based on official statistics.

In 2024 the museum welcomed 6,479,952 visitors, marking an 11% rise compared to 2023.

Similarly, the Natural History Museum in London experienced an 11% increase in visitors, reaching 6,301,972 and securing the second spot on the list, as per BBC.

As per the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (Alva), the UK’s top tourist spots saw a 3.4% rise in visitors compared to the previous year.

Windsor Great Park, which is part of the Crown Estate was the most popular outdoor attraction in the UK, attracting 5,670,430 visitors in the past year.

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This was a 3% increase from the previous year, making it the third most-visited attraction overall.

Bernard Donoghue, the director of Alva, described 2024 as a year of "steady but not significant growth."

He attributed this to the ongoing economic recovery from the Covid lockdowns, the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and a modest number of international tourists visiting the UK.

Bernard further elaborated, “The recovery of visitor attractions and the broader cultural and heritage economies remains fragile but visitors have shown that in their leisure spending they still prioritise day trips to loved attractions."

The top 20 UK visitor attractions 2024

1. British Museum

2. Natural History Museum

3. Windsor Great Park

4. Tate Modern

5. Southbank Centre

6. V&A South Kensington

7. National Gallery

8. Somerset House

9. Tower of London

10. Science Museum

11. National Museum of Scotland

12. Kew Gardens

13. Royal Museums Greenwich

14. National Galleries Scotland: National

15. Edinburgh Castle

16. Royal Albert Hall

17. Westminster Abbey

18. National Portrait Gallery

19. The Barbican Centre

20. St Paul's Cathedral